Joshua Cline
Bass / Guitar
Joshua Cline has been exposed to music his entire life with southern gospel and classic rock influencing him in his early childhood years. This love for music was his drive through several years of middle and high school band programs, where he studied to play tuba, read bass clef, and gain appreciation for other genres of music. After his first year of playing tuba, Joshua's desire for learning a stringed instrument led him to Canton Music Shoppe to learn bass guitar. Within several years of lessons, he learned to play a variety of different styles and techniques to help him excel with learning songs and improvising.
Since his several years of lessons, Joshua has auditioned and participated in district honor bands, professional studio work, and performed numerous gigs in the Metro Atlanta area. As a teacher, Joshua plans each of his lessons to the needs of every individual student because he understands that everyone learns differently and wants to ensure that they are successful in what they want to accomplish.